
Netflix APK voor Android

  • Gratis

  • In Nederlands
  • V 8.113.0 build 19 50670
  • 4.3

  • APK status


Streaming TV, movies, and original shows

Netflix is video is a video streaming subscription service.Netflix allows subscribers to watch television, movies, and other original content through their mobile devices. Netflix's library continues to increase as new content is loaded into the service. Netflix on mobile devices is one of the many ways subscribers can access Netflix.

Streaming anywhere you are

Since Netflix uses streaming technology, the quality of the video depends on a few factors. Whether on Wi-Fi or a data connection, a strong Internet connection is vital for smooth playback. Netflix buffers the video stream so there are usually no problems with watching video.Keep in mind that high qualty streaming can quickly devour your data allotment so streaming over a home Wi-Fi connection is always better. The app's interface is sorted into different category cards like suggested content, recently viewed, and new arrivals. While new content is easy to find, using Netflix’s search tool is a little awkward. A lot of times, you'll spend more time searching for something to watch.If you share one profile within Netflix, you'll find suggest videos become even more random. It's best to create different profiles for each user.Quality control is dynamic so Netflix will downgrade the quality to keep streaming the content. Over both Wi-Fi and a data connection, Netflix had little issues with playback, but skipping ahead in video did result in waiting while the video was buffered.Also with the streaming connection, the source of the video plays a big part in quality. Older video does look aged while high definition video looks much better. There is a tradeoff between quality and consistent playback. When there is a solid connection, the app is great, but slower connections will cause the app to slow down while it starts the video.

Replace your cable subscription

Netflix's constant updates to its library creates a huge backlog of TV and movies to watch. Now with its original series, Netflix's programming is becoming more interesting that what is available on regular cable subscriptions.Netflix is an excellent app for users who enjoy watching television and movies wherever they live. '


  • Big library of content
  • Subtitle options
  • Easy to use


  • Quality of video depends on connection
  • Playback can get pixelated
  • Only available in US

Ook beschikbaar voor andere besturingssystemen

Programma is beschikbaar in andere talen

Netflix APK voor Android

  • Gratis

  • In Nederlands
  • V 8.113.0 build 19 50670
  • 4.3

  • APK status

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De wetten inzake het gebruik van software verschilt per land. We moedigen het gebruik van dit programma niet aan of keuren het niet goed als het in strijd is met deze wetten. Softonic moedigt illegale streaming, duplicatie of distributie van auteursrechtelijk beschermde inhoud niet aan of keurt deze niet goed. U bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor het gebruik van de service.